AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) skydiving course is a 8 level program designed to fast track you to learning to skydive solo and achieve the dream to learn to skydive! Our AFF skydiving program starts with 4-6 hours of ground training where you learn basic safety requirements and other necessary topics to complete the course.
Skydive Latvia is the first team in Baltics that provides accelerated free fall course according to International USPA (Unites States Parachute Association) standard. Additionally to Latvian skydiving license we can issue international and well known USAP license which provides opportunities to skydive worldwide with no restrictions.
Reinis Rūtentāls – AFF instructor. Tandem instructor. Coach. Vertical wind tunnel instructor. More than 28 years experience with more than 3000 skydives.
Sergejs Plotņikovs – AFF instructor. Tandem instructor. Coach. Vertical wind tunnel instructor. More than 25 years experience with more than 2000 skydives.
Alexei Smirnov – AFF instructor. Tandem instructor. Coach. More than 20 years experience with more than 1500 skydives.
Arturs Lalovs – AFF instructor. Coach. Vertical wind tunnel instructor. More than 9 years experience with more than 1200 skydives.
Genādijs Urbans – AFF instructor. Tandem instructor. Coach. More than 25 years experience with more than 2500 skydives.
Aleksejs Krūmiņš – AFF instructor. Tandem instructor. Coach. More than 15 years experience with more than 2000 skydives.
Register yourself or buy a gift card

To receive a gift card, select the service from the list: “Gift card for AFF first 3 levels – 840 EUR”.
Effectiveness of AFF course
As an AFF student, your first jump will be from 4000m with two certified AFF instructors jumping with you and maintaining grips on your body and parachute harness. These instructors assist with stability and provide in-air coaching. Prior to each and every jump, the student receives extensive and thorough training on the ground, covering both the freefall learning objectives and the operation of the equipment used in the skydive. Successful students graduate to having only one AFF instructor accompanying them by Level 4. The instructor in freefall will provide instructional input and subsequently critique the performance. Students normally graduate from the AFF program on or around their eighth jump.
The AFF course is on a very close personal basis and yet is informal and relaxed, often on a one to one basis. In this environment the student can assimilate a great amount of knowledge in a short period of time. The training includes ground school and physical activities covering all aspects of the skydives that you will be making.
Jump altitude
We provide jumps from Cessna 182T that can easily reach 4000 meters height. Jumping from that altitude provides free fall time up to 60 seconds what is enough to fully complete all the tasks and there still will be some time for fun.
Additionally there is an option to record jumps on video that allows to make training process more efficient and productive.
How to apply for AFF course?
To apply for AFF course please select service: “Registration for AFF theory course (40 EUR)”, and fill our registration form. During the class you will meet the instructors and go through the first jump theory. After the class you can choose to go forward or drop the course. The theory course fee is not refundable.
Theory course is organised when there is a group of 4 to 5 applicants. So be sure, that max in 10 business day after the application one of our AFF instructors will contact you to discuss further steps and provide the information about the soonest theory class.
How long does the course take?
According to USPA standard you will need to make at least 8 jumps with your instructor. Timeline depends on factors such as preparation efficiency on the ground, weather conditions, your learning speed etc.
Jumps from the airplane are related to high physical and psychological stress, that means beginner student should not make more tan 2-3 jumps per day.
Structure of AFF course and way to A license
Categories A through E are the instructional jumps where the student must be accompanied with an appropriately rated instructor. A, B, C1 Categories are made with 2 instructors and involves tasks for obtaining skill of exiting aircraft, free fall, altitude awareness and safe opening. Categories C2, D1, D2, E1 and E2 involves advance free fall elements and are made with only one instructor. After Category E, students are cleared to self supervise. Categories F, G and H are completed as solo skydives or with the assistance of a rated coach or instructor. Also the student must complete two “hop n pops” in two different altitude which is lower than the normal altitude. “Hop n pops” means the jumper must deploys the parachute immediately after exiting the aircraft, the purpose of “hop n pops” is to practice the exit procedure if under the situation of aircraft malfunctions. All jumps must completely match the requirement of BSR (Basic Safety Requirement). Once the student has completed 25 skydives, and has their A licence requirements signed off by an instructor or coach, they are eligible for their A licence and are no longer a student.
Educational video materials
Required documents prior beginning of AFF course
To proceed with AFF course it is required to submit following documents:
- Copy of any ID document
- Statement of health condition appropriate for doing sports (can be issued by family doctor).
You can pay for training in three parts, as shown in the table. The price includes theoretical training, full gear and the cost of the flight.
Item | Description | Price | Payment |
Ground school (theoretical training) | 1st lesson – 4h | 40 EUR | 40 EUR |
A category | 1st jump with 2 AFF instructors | 320 EUR | 1st payment 840 EUR |
B category | 2nd jump with 2 AFF instructors | 260 EUR | |
C1 category | 3rd jump with 2 AFF instructors | 260 EUR | |
C2 category | 4th jump with 1 AFF instructor | 190 EUR | 2nd payment 570 EUR |
D1 category | 5th jump with 1 AFF instructor | 190 EUR | |
D2 category | 6th jump with 1 AFF instructor | 190 EUR | |
E1 category | 7th jump with 1 AFF instructor | 190 EUR | 3rd payment 380 EUR |
E2 category | 8th jump with 1 AFF instructor | 190 EUR |
AFF Gift cards
We’re glad that you choose our professional team to give yourself or your loved ones an unforgettable feeling of freedom, the touch of the blue sky and the sun!
Our organisation offers a gift card exact for that first stage of the AFF program and includes three jumps with two instructors. Choosing such a gift to your friends and relatives remember, that the AFF program is not an entertaining attraction, but a serious training, with a certain amount of theory and practice, physical pressure and mental stress. Please make sure that the person is ready for such a gift.
In addition to this exciting adventure, you can order a cameraman who will capture video and take photos of the training course on the ground and during free fall.
To receive a gift card, select the service from the list. Fill out the registration form, so we can prepare the invoice for you, and pay with a credit or debit card. After payment you will receive a confirmation e-mail, electronic invoice and check. We’ll verify your details and then prepare and send you an electronic gift card (with the ability to print it if necessary).
The only thing the gift card owner should do is to fill electronic registration for the theory course. Our instructors will contact him shortly to discuss further steps and provide the information about the soonest theory class.
Other questions
If you require more information please call us or write an e-mail. Contact information is placed on the right side of this page.